What's this?

A network of sites connected together by Maybe Logic! This webring was first forged in celebration of Maybe Day 2022. Updated in 2025 to prioritize the circular functionality of the ring, removing sites without navigation links.

How to join

To join the New Trajectories Webring, send an email to weirdoverse@gmail.com with your site link, name, and an RSS feed (if one is available)

Add the banner

Once you've joined the ring, copy this code snippet into your site:

<p>Member of the <a href="https://new-trajectories.com">NEW TRAJECTORIES WEBRING</a></p>
<script async src="https://new-trajectories.com/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It will render this banner that links to the other members:


Of course, you can also make your own banner or just statically link to the next / previous people in the ring. This is just a default option that could work well for most people.